ToughWare Prosthetics Makes Everyday Life A Little Easier For Amputees
ToughWare Prosthetics (ToughWare) creates cutting-edge, affordable prosthetic gear for hand and arm amputees who need dependable performance. Combining innovative engineering and exciting new advances in polymer resins with state-of-the-art manufacturing processes ensures our designs delight users worldwide with robust simplicity, functionality, and longevity in service.
We build products that put the user in the driver’s seat— they are ready to go anytime, and there are no worries about batteries, calibration, getting things wet, or expensive adjustments and repairs!
Tough Arm Prosthetics for Real Living
Our prosthetics excel where users need tough, practical options for everyday living—from cooking to laundry, yard work to home repairs, and all the jobs in between. Evening gowns and tuxedos have their proper place—as do expensive, technologically sophisticated prostheses. There are times, however, when you need work clothes or just want to wear something comfortable, and this is where ToughWare’s products come in. They’re not just for work, though—they’re also great for recreation and sporting activities. At home, work, or living life large “out there”, ToughWare’s products are ready when you are.

Check Out Our Full Range Of Products & Catalog

Featured in this guide are ToughWare’s patented Equilux™ VO/VC terminal device, Vari-Pinch Prehensor™ (V2P™), Retro Classic Hook™, International Transradial Adjustable Limb™ (ITAL™), Ventilated Transradial Sport Socket™ (VTSS), and our Modular Cable System (MCS) field-serviceable control cable and harnessing components.

Discover our foundation and direction
At SPACG, we bring design to reality. Design that is both beautiful and effectively functional.
Since inception, SPACG has expanded to be a comprehensive global retail space solutions provider. From interior design to retail space consultancy and management, we infuse our vision into our work to create aesthetically relevant spatial solutions. Having implemented the ISO 26000 guidelines for corporate social responsibility, we are committed to bettering our processes while delivering successful solutions to our clients.
SPACG has established regional offices for more efficient communication with and to better serve our international clients. In 2013, we incorporated our branch office in Shanghai China, from which we have extended our presence to Hong Kong in 2015. As we explore exciting new projects and opportunities, we strive to transform typical spaces into inspiring designscapes.

From initial consultation to final delivery
New Options for Most Everyone
We purposefully design and test our products to ensure they are technologically and economically appropriate for a wide range of people on the planet, including many who are hard-pressed financially. We have found that creating robust affordable gear is appreciated all around the globe. ToughWare is accomplishing its core mission—improving the lives of less-fortunate men, women, and children worldwide who need affordable prosthetic options that work as hard as they do.

Location: Ukraine
Location: Texas

Gaining Confidence
So Many Helped

Materialising our inspirations into reality
Location: Ukraine

Location: Texas

Location: Vietnam